I am about to return back to a fully research oriented role at Aalto University in 2022 after having worked at the Research and Technology Department at Planmeca for the past three years.
I have finished my doctoral thesis on X-ray scattering studies on crystallinity and the hierarchical structure of plants, which was completed in 2016 at the Department of Physics at the University of Helsinki. Under Publications I have links to my articles and, if possible, PDF-versions of the published material.
I have been working on wide-angle X-ray scattering (WAXS) and X-ray microtomography studies of the plant cell wall. Additionally I have studied cellulose powders, pulps, films and fibrils for crystallinity, average crystallite size and orientation (if applicable). I have also done some small-angle X-ray scattering, localized X-ray scettering and X-ray diffraction tomography measurements and have experience from various synchrotron beam lines.
I enjoy combining experimental work and the related data analysis with computational tasks and further developing the analysis methods. I like working as a part of a team but also enjoy being able to focus independently on problem solving, data analysis, visualization of data and scientific communication.
I am enthusiastic about photography trying to focus more and more on portrait photography.
While I enjoy watching football and ice hockey, the sport that is closest to my heart is floorball. I play regularly but not competitively.
I also like to play modern board games and card games like Carcassonne, Ticket to Ride, Bohnanza, Guillotine and Pandemic. I have also had some fun designing tabletop games for personal use at The Game Crafter. In the future I might even consider publishing games through The Game Crafter or in Kickstarter.